Born in Bonn, Germany, I grew up in a household surrounded by art. From an early age I felt a strong pull towards music. In my childhood, I began to play the violin.
By the age of 10, my family and I moved to Kaunas, Lithuania, where I graduated from the Juozas Naujalis music gymnasium under the direction of Ilona Klusaite. While at Juozas Naujalis music gymnasium, I participated with my string quartet in several competitions winning the Grand Prix.
After a year of working in a different field, I successfully entered the Vytautas Magnus University, studying Music Production in the Faculty of Arts. Also studying violin as a minor under the supervision of Raimondas Butvila, and orchestra under the direction of Jonas Janulevicius.
As a hobby, I Model a lot and was already active in some TV commercials. From the age of 15, I started to express myself in poetry.